Friday 17 June 2011

what is god's work?

       Once a proud but benevolent king sent for his primitiveness and said 'all of us have some definite work or assignment to perform. a king rules, a soldier fights a trader trades a teacher teaches and a preacher preaches through as individuals they do other thing also.  then what is the primary function of the crater ?  can u answer my question?
        The minister was one knew. and no book aver explained what gods  work was .  ofter some thought he said i to have often wondered about this like you but my duty.  hear is to adding and assist you on worldly affairs this involves spiritual matter and the right     person to answer you is our bishop.
         when the king repeated his question to bishop, the bishop asked for a weeks time to reply .  at the and of the week the bishop was sitting under the tree on the outskirts of the town thinking whether to face the kings wrath the next morning or to run away form the kingdom
        A shepherd boy who was passing by inquired about the cause for his worry the bishop brushed him a said, saying  he was deeply worried about a spiritual matter. the boy was quit insistent, and so the bishop related his trouble with out any hope of solution or solace from the boy.
         "My dear master"  said the boy, "is that all that worried you so much? please go in peace to the king tell him that the Shep herd boy knows the answer"
        The surprised bishop begged the boy to give him the answer, but the boy   preferred to meet the king in person.  so the bishop went to home, and the next morning he was at the court  when the king eagerly asked for a reply
       "My dear king " said the bishop. "I need not have taken so much time or trouble to give u a reply. how aver i would like to request you to call for my shepherd boy   who will give you a satisfactory answer" the surprised king immediately sent for the boy, who promptly presented him self before the king. his appearance was repulsive to everyone but the court awaited his words with interest
         "shepherd  boy said the king do you know the answar to my qustion which even learned scholars a re not aware of ? the boy paused for a while and said "my dear sir,before i answar your query may i request that proper  protocol is observed you are a student, as for as this qustion is conserled sinces you want to lern iam a master as iam to give you the knowledge. normally the master occupies a higher seatthan the student".After some hesitation the king slowly came down from his throne and let the boy sit on eager was he to the answer.
              But the boy,after ascending the throne,was calmly enjoying the new-found dignity and did not speak for a while.Impatient,the king shouted at the boy,"you fellow where is my answer?what is god's work?" The boy calmly replied, here's the answer,to push down the haughty and to push up the humble-that is god's work"this is one of the 1,50,000stories found in the ancient Purana,which have relevance even in modern times.